you too...
I have just read the first chapter, but it has already started to make me think about U2 as a band, a legend, and a religion. Not so because of their inclination towards humanity, but because of the eon for which they have been around. And, yes, making the difference. I liked bono saying that the beauty of weakness is it forces you to look for friendship. You try to make yourself complete by supplementing your weakness with your friends' strengths. You call it selfish, I call it life.
It's a different story that after coming back to India (to chennai and to pune), I found it difficult to make friends with others; it's more on the professional side now. More so because all my friends are either in different states or countries, and I am stuck here, burning my ass-off at work. Things have been changing for sure; no parties, no schmoozing with friends, no late night beer parties, no late night long drives, and above all, no movies. But I can't blame anyone, but myself for what it is like.
So until it comes back the way it is, I will stay close to led zep and my books. peace.
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
Anonymous, at 2:44 PM
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